Indonesia is a new rising source country for the furniture importers. Before, if we talked about where to import furniture from, China is the first country which comes into most people’s minds. The cheap price and large selections of products are the two main reasons why China is on the top for it.
However, Pandemic Covid-19 forced the importers to apply the strategy “China plus one” to prevent the same situation to happen in the future.
Compared with China, Indonesia is rich in its natural resources and has various selections of products as well, especially in the furniture and home décor industry. From indoor to outdoor, from teak to rattan, from wicker to natural fiber, just mention it and you can easily find it in Indonesia. Sourcing furniture and home décor in Indonesia can be a game-changer for the importers. Abundant raw materials become one of the considerations why moving your supply chain to Indonesia is a great decision. Furthermore, there are several reasons why sourcing furniture and home décor in Indonesia can be the solution for you, as follows:
Cheap Price
Cost is one of the main considerations when importing goods. Material cost, worker wages, import duties, taxes, shipping costs, and sometimes several hidden costs, can affect the price of your product. The low labor cost in Indonesia also gives the chance for the manufacturers to reduce overall production costs. Thus, will give your company a chance to make more profit from selling the furniture and home décor you bought from Indonesia.
The human capital
One of Indonesia’s greatest assets is its human capital. Indonesia is on the fourth rank of the largest population in the world. According to Indonesia statistics, the Indonesian population in 2020 is almost 271 million people and 70,72% of it is in a productive age (15-64 years old).
This situation will bring several benefits for the manufacturers, such as a faster production time and more competitive products.
As a matter of fact, human capital is an asset for the company. A competent and skilled human resource will allow the manufacturers to develop their products in terms of model and quality to be able to compete in the market.
The unlimited raw material sources
Indonesia is well known for its forests. The forests of Indonesia are the third-largest tropical forests in the world. Furniture material such as bamboo, rattan, wood is almost unlimited in Indonesia. That becomes an added value for the importers because they have nothing to worry about the raw material.
Also, most of the furniture manufacturers in Indonesia hold the SVLK and FSC certificates which indicates that they are using only legal wood in producing their products. Buying from a certified furniture supplier in Indonesia will also bring you more profit as the “green” furniture trend is up lately.
The possibility to diversify the supplier base
As an importer, it is a great idea if you diversify your suppliers’ base. This is a must to avoid medium to high-risk sources issue which can be the worst possible things to happen in the future. Java and Bali islands, only to mention them, are famous manufacturing areas all over the world. You can diversify your furniture and home décor procurement in Indonesia to avoid region-wide problems.
Indonesian Hot Products 2021
Petrified Wood Furniture

Natural Fiber Home Décor

How to get started?
Sourcing furniture in Indonesia is indeed a game-changer for you as an importer. The country offers competitive advantages for buyers, yet it is quite challenging as well especially in nowadays situation where Indonesia is still closed to foreigners.
However, don’t let it stops you. Asean Sourcing works as your local partner in Indonesia and will help you to avoid all the hassles from importing furniture and home décor from Indonesia.
Asean Sourcing offers handpicked product selections from qualified furniture and home décor suppliers in Indonesia. Moreover, our wide local supplier network will give you a chance to get the best price and the best quality products from Indonesia
Please send us your inquiry to specifying what you are looking for and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Please note that due to the high volume of requests, it may take up to one week to respond to you.
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